Tuesday 10 March 2015

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 26th Year, Week 30/52

Seven books this week!

Defriended is part of the Point Horror series; a new one, written and released recently, instead of in the late 80s/early 90s.  The first few chapters were totally rad, complete with bad texting and lots of facebook references.  It got a bit better after that.  It was interesting, but lacked the nostalgia factor of the older books.

Dark Places was good.  It was one of the few books I've listened to as an audiobook without having read the original.  It was also one of the first books I've really enjoyed under those circumstances.  I find it hard to focus on listening to things, and concentrate much better when they're written down, so that should tell you something about how compelling it was.

Prep is a book I've read before.  I recently read another book by Sittenfeld, Sisterland, which I really enjoyed.  I didn't like The Man of My Dreams, which I read eight years ago.  That's why it took me so long to try another of hers.  Anyway, that prompted me to read Prep again. 

The Talisman is me starting on my Stephen King chronological reading challenge again.  I'll write a longer post about the book at some point this week.

Fundamentals of Drawing is a book I picked up on the Kindle store for less than a pound.  Excellent for the price.

Howl's Moving Castle was another audiobook.  I listened to it with Tom, after we watched the movie.  He agrees that a Welsh Howl is much more fun.  I'm disappointed that there's no unabridged version available, because I do like the original text.  Luckily, I also have the book on Kindle, so I can read it I want.

Finally, The One.  It's the third part of the original Selection Trilogy, though there's a fourth book coming out in May, which focuses on the children of the main characters from the first three.  I first read the original books when I got my kindle, so near the end of 2012.  I did consider rereading them first, but I wanted to find out how it ended, and now I know it seems silly to go back.  I'll probably reread them some day.

I feel bad about my Kobo.  It was a constant and faithful friend to me for almost a year before I got my Kindle, and now it mostly lies neglected on a bookcase.  I've made a daily habit on HabitRPG to read a chapter of a Kobo book every day, just to get rid of the last ten unread books I have on there.  After that, I don't know.  I can use Calibre to load the books onto my Kindle, or read them on my Nexus or iPhone if I want to.  Maybe I'll sell it.  It's a nice little machine, but the Kindle is more convenient and has cheaper books on it.

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