Thursday 26 October 2017

In Which We Discuss War and Peace - Chapter XV

Princess Anna and her son, Darling Bory, are heading back to the household of Count Cyril Vladimirovich Bezukhov (aka Uncle Moneybags).  Anna urges Darling Bory to be kind to his lovely, wonderful, generous uncle Cyril.  Darling Bory thinks only humiliation will come of this sucking up, but is willing to give it a go.  The butler won't let them in; Darling Bory is inclined to give up, but Anna begs to speak to Prince Vasili instead.  As they walk in, she reminds Darling Bory that he has promised to be a good little beggar.

Prince Vasili is saying goodbye to Lorrain, a doctor from St Petersburg.  I'm fairly sure he's a new character at this point.  Prince Vasili looks at Anna with an expression I would describe as "what the fuck are you doing here?".  Tolstoy calls it a "look of inquiry" that causes "an expression of profound sorrow" to pass across Anna's face.

Still, she presses on.  Darling Bory needs money.  Uncle Cyril is dying, but Prince Vasili doesn't want to dwell on that, so he asks Bory about his living arrangments.  Anna soon turns the conversation back to money, reminding Vasili that Darling Bory is Uncle Cyril's godson.  She is desperate to get in, not to make sure Cyril has written his will - although that is so important, for his own peace of mind - but because she loves her darling uncle Cyril so.  And also, it is her Christian duty.

Anna finally manages to Vasili to let her into the count's rooms, despite another neice wandering in to give her a dirty look.  Darling Bory is sent to take Pierre to a party, to get him out of Vasili's hair.  I hope there will be another bear at this one.

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