Tuesday 24 September 2019

In Which We Discuss War and Peace, Part 11 Chapter 13

Chapter 13

We're still with the Rostovs and it's the 31st of August.  Everything is chaos.  The Count is out, the countess is lying down with a headache, Petya has gone to try to get himself transferred into the active army, Sonya's overseeing the packing of glass and china and Natasha is trying to pack her dresses but actually just looking at the one she wore to her first Petersburg ball, where she met Andrew (who isn't her).  She's distracted by the maids talking, which is in response to a group arriving, looking for homes for wounded soldiers.  Natasha invites them all in and then goes to ask her mother's permission.  The countess is confused, which Natasha wrangles into agreement.  The count arrives home as she's leaving her mother, and she turns his confusion into agreement too.  He's concerned over the fact that they've stayed in Moscow too long.  Petya arrives home at dinner and announces that he expects to be in a battle tomorrow, which horrifies the countess.  Rather than tell Petya directly not to go - because he would just respond with something masculine and 15 -, she persuades the count that they must leave immediately, that night.

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