Wednesday, 21 April 2010

In Which We Discuss Scott Westerfeld

I'm now considering Scott Westerfeld for my next CRC, thanks to a comment on LJ.

I've actually been meaning to read Westerfeld's work for a while now, ever since I heard a bit about his Uglies series. Unfortunately, he doesn't finish one series before moving on to another - he seems to chop and change a lot. Take a look at his wiki page. See?

Below is a list of his books in loose chronological order (I did attempt to find the exact release dates within the year, but it was impossible for some of them, so I gave up).

  • Polymorph (1997)
  • Fine Prey (1998)
  • Evolution's Darling (2000)
  • The Risen Empire (2003)
  • The Killing of Worlds (2003)
  • So Yesterday (2004)
  • The Secret Hour (2004)
  • Touching Darkness (2005)
  • Uglies (2005)
  • Pretties (2005)
  • Peeps (also known as Parasite Positive in Britain) (2005)
  • The Last Days (2006)
  • Blue Noon (2006)
  • Specials (2006)
  • Extras (2007)
  • Bogus to Bubbly: An Insider's Guide to the World of Uglies (2008)
  • Leviathan (2009)
  • Behemoth (forthcoming, October 2010), that is quite a few. However, that said, they are young adult novels. I'm not sure if the library will have all of them, but I hope so. Anyway, I'm going to have to finish the six books I've got out, as well as my four reservations, before I can get started.

I've never read any of Westerfeld's work before, which will be interesting. I'd already read most of Jewell's book before reading them in order, so it'll be a little different.

Incidentally, while researching this, I had a look at his blog.  It's a pretty good read, which is quite promising.

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