Tuesday 6 January 2015

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 26th Year, Week 21/52

Only four books this week!

Clare in the Community is a radio series based on a comic strip.  It's about a social worker, and parodies the middle class and political correctness, with some excellent voice acting from, among others, Sally Phillips and Nina Conti.  Each series is made up of six 28 minute episodes, and I listened to the first two last week.  They've very enjoyable.  They count as a book because I got them off audible.

Melissa Explains It All is Melissa Joan Hart's autobiography.  I love Melissa Joan Hart.  I never got into Clarissa Explains It All, but I loved Sabrina and Melissa & Joey.  Happily, so did she, which means she talks about them a lot.  Sabrina more so, because at the time it was written, Melissa & Joey was pretty new.  You can sort of see how her character in Melissa & Joey is a slightly twisted version of her real self, and I like that.  I had fun with it.

Spooky Stories 2 is a collection I've owned for about fifteen years now.  I may have read it before, I honestly can't recall.  It's pretty short; nine stories from various authors and around 120 pages.  One of the stories is Gabriel-Ernest which I definitely have read in another collection.  I didn't enjoy it that much, but I kept reading it because I was at work and couldn't really get my hands on another book at the time.

Finally, How I Changed My Life is another non-fiction volume.  Shelley Wilson decided to split a year into twelve projects, including losing weight, completing NaNoWriMo, and being more crafty.  It's cute and short and there are lots of links in it.  I probably won't reread it.

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