Tuesday 2 February 2016

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 27th Year, Week 24/52

I'm very late in writing this.  When I say 'late' I mean it's now Tuesday and I'm due to post the 25th week tomorrow.

I read five books between 20th - 26th January.  Three library books, an audio book and a Kindle book.

I'm not really any more impressed with the second Scott Pilgrim graphic novel.  I think Michael Cera's crappy acting and total lack of chemistry with Ramona's actor - as well as the lack of character development - has ruined it for me.

The Stone Angel was very enjoyable.  It's by a Canadian author - and the essay at the back points out how few of these we know of, apart from Margaret Atwood - and is something of a classic, I gather.  It's the life of Hagar, a Canadian woman born at the turn of the century.  It flips between her childhood and her time in her nineties, fighting over being asked to leave her own home and forced into a nursing home.

Big Brother is a book I read years ago.  I enjoy 90% of it, but the last 10% ruins it for me.

I had the same sort of issue with Woman's WorldWoman's World is told using cuttings from 60s women's magazines, like a ransom note.  It's a useful storytelling technique, considering the character.

What disappoints me about the ending is that the issues raised are not resolved.  They just...magically go away.  Which is a lot less interesting than actually dealing with it.

Unseemly Science is the second in the Fall of the Gas-Lit Empire series, focusing on Elizabeth Barnabas and her cross-dressing adventures as her imaginary brother, Edwin.  The Gas-Lit Empire has very Victorian values you see, and being a man can be incredibly useful.  I enjoyed it, enough to have pre-ordered the third book, which comes out on Thursday.

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