Tuesday 9 September 2014

In Which We Discuss Danse Macabre

As part of my quest to read all of Stephen King's novels, I've just finished Danse Macabre and I loved it.  It's a non-fiction account of King's favourite horror movies and novels throughout the fifties to the eighties, and his thoughts on the horror genre as a whole.  There's a long list of recommendations at the back, which I certainly intend to look at.  I'm quite sold on Ira Levin - I've already read Stepford Wives, and King did a great job of pushing Rosemary's Baby.

King also devoted a brief paragraph to his wife's first novel, Small World which was newly released at the time of writing.  He didn't say more, as he felt he would be slightly biased.  However, that did remind me of the idea I had of reading his wife and childrens' novels at the appropriate points in the time line.  So, here is Tabitha King's bibliography;
  • (1981) Small World
  • (1983) Caretakers 
  • (1985) The Trap (also published as Wolves at the Door)
  • (1988) Pearl
  • (1993) One on One
  •  (1994) The Book of Reuben
  •  (1997) Survivor
  •  (2006) Candles Burning (with Michael McDowell) 
That isn't including short stories, non-fiction or poetry.

Considering what an effort this is turning out to be - I didn't expect it to take a year to get 10% through! - I don't think I will make the effort to seek out all of Tabitha, Joe or Owen King's novels, though I may read the first one of each when they appear. 

I actually am reading Small World at the moment.  It's pretty interesting.  I'll give it its own post when I'm done.  Oh, and I've got Rosemary's Baby and Cujo reserved at the library.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that King frequently mentioned his son Joe Hill in Danse Macabre.  Joe Hill was born in 1972, so he would have been nine-years-old when this was published.  Naomi King and Owen King were born in 1970 and 1977 respectively, so they were eleven and four at the time.  When Carrie was first published in 1973 Naomi would have been three while Joe was a year old.  Owen would have been born a month before The Shining was published, a he would have been a months old when Rage was released.

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