Thursday 3 September 2015

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 27th Year, Week 3/52

Five books this week!  One library book, three audiobooks and a Kindle book I've had for a while.

I got Scissors, Paper, Stone because it's narrated by Justine Eyre.   She has the most amazing voice.  The book was okay, maybe not something I've have chosen to listen to by itself.  I'm getting better at paying attention to audiobooks, though!

The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe was the library book.  It's about a society in which dying from anything other than old age is so rare that documentary film crews want to film anyone who does.  It didn't go the way I thought it would; I expect a more behind-the-scenes style thing like Chart Throb.  It was interesting.  And short!

The Exit is the Kindle book I've had for a few months.  It was fascinating.  Sickening and horrific at some points, but interesting.  A major strain of the story is a silly teenage girl maturing into adulthood.  Another strain is living with Alzheimers.

Choose Your Own Autobiography was another audiobook.  Neil Patrick Harris narrates it.  The production had to abandon a lot of the concept of the 'choose your own adventure' style - NPH just tells you to 'wait a while' or to 'keep listening'.  There are three card tricks which NPH talks you through and some really sweet moments.  I didn't know a lot about the actor's life, but it was definitely worth listening to.

Finally, A Game for All the Family was the final Audiobook.  It's another Sophie Hannah with all that that entails.  If you like Sophie Hannah's work you'll like this book.  If not, then you won't.  Check the reviews; they're mostly 5 stars or 1 star.

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