Thursday 10 September 2015

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 27th Year, Week 4/52

Only two books this week - 3-9 September.  One audio and one which has been on my unread pile for at least a decade.

I bought my first Asimov novel when I was fifteen or sixteen, after watching The Bicentennial Man and buying my first few Sci-Fi Masterworks novels.  And since then it has been sat on my shelf.  I'm relieved I finally read it.

It was pretty good!  A sci-fi detective story/space opera.  It's the third in a series but I don't think I missed much by not having read the others.

Shelter is another sci-fi novel.  Throughout most of it, I was thinking "Oh, do fuck off Meredith".  Having finished the book, I still don't think much of Meredith.  It was great though.  Normally with audiobooks, even ones I enjoy, I am impatient to get on with them and so I listen at 3x speed.  I barely did that at all with this one.  I embroidered and listened and barely noticed the hours going by.

I start college on Monday.  I give myself permission now to update monthly, or even further apart, whenever I have time.  Things are going to slip; while I enjoy these posts, they are low enough down my list of priorities that nothing disastrous will happen if they slip.

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