Sunday 15 November 2015

In Which We Discuss Lorelai and Rory Gilmore

Now, I do know that the Gilmore girls are not a book, but I think I can justify talking about them by Rory's bookish nature, which I'll comment on a little later.

I love the show Gilmore girls.  It's very comforting, and I'm now watching the entire series through for the third time.  However, I think Lorelai and Rory Gilmore are just awful, terrible people.

 My personal favourite moment to hate is when Rory, a character whose defining trait is "bookishness" claims to have only read two-hundred books by the age of sixteen.  That was not written by a reader.  In a later episode, Rory shows us the five books that she's carrying - one for the bus, an alternative for the bus, one for lunch, one short stories and one essay.  That's similar to what I carry around, only I have a Kindle which cuts down on the bulk.  As you know, I read around two-hundred and fifty books per year, while attending college and working twenty-five hours per week.  If Rory is carrying out that many books, and is implied to have been bookish since childhood then, what, she's actually getting through half a page per day?  Or she's rereading the same two-hundred books, starting over every nine months?  Ugh.

Right now, I watching season three, in which Rory is a terrible person to Jess.  To summarise;

Jess is a troubled teen, and the nephew of Luke Danes.  He's sent to Star's Hollow by his mother in the hopes that his uncle will straighten him out.  Luke does his best to do so, despite the town taking against Jess immediately.  In fairness, Jess does not help himself by stealing a beloved gnome.

At the time, Rory is dating Dean, her farmboy first boyfriend.  In later seasons, he will get married and Rory will have sex with him, causing him to leave his wife.  Anyway.  Rory and Dean are happy enough, but Rory is the only person in town that Jess actually seems to like.  Fate - helped by Jess - keeps throwing them together, making Dean suspicious and paranoid, in a way that isn't always healthy. 

Luke, who thinks Rory will be good for Jess, asks her to tutor him so he'll do better in school.  During their tutoring session, Jess persuades Rory to go for a drive with him.  When it's time to come back and work, and he offers her the choice of doing so or of continuing to drive around town,  she chooses to keep driving.  Jess crashes Rory's car, resulting in Rory spraining her wrist.  This causes the town to hate him even more

Rory and Jess kiss right before Rory leaves for the summer.  When she comes back, she is shocked and angry to find that Jess has found a girlfriend and has not been pining for her all summer.  Bear in mind that she has not actually broken up with Dean.

While Jess tries to move on with his life, Rory is passive-aggressive and reaches the point of egging his car - a car he has worked and saved for, unlike Rory, who was given hers.  Everyone is still on Rory's side.

Jess and Rory eventually get together; god only knows what Jess did to deserve this.

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