Wednesday 4 May 2016

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 27th Year, Week 37/52

Eight books last week!  That's 21st April to 27th April.

Five of these were audiobooks, which I do tend to get through quite quickly; mostly because I listen to them on double speed or faster.  Two of the others I've been working on for a while, and just happened to finish them this week.  The last one, User Unfriendly, is pretty short, and part of a series I've read a few times before.

Redshirts is a book I've read a few times before.  Listening to it was interesting; it really brought home how often the author describes the characters as having 'said' something.  It became very repetitive after a while.

Nightmares and Dreamscapes is a collection of short stories, which I wrote a longer post about here. 

A Tale for the Time Being is an odd one.  It's about a teenage girl living in Japan, and the author finding her diary, and then time goes a bit odd.  An interesting one. 

The Forgetting Time reminded me a lot of Shelter; it shares the same themes of motherood and dealing with a difficult, unhappy child.

I've spoken about The Forbidden Game before; I finished off the series this week.

Finally, Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping and Development.  I only read the first 300 pages, as they were on general game theory while the otehr 600 were on designing with a specific system which I'm not using (I'm using RPGMaker 2003 right now).  It's a really great guide.

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