Friday 10 October 2014

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 26th Year, Week 8/52

I've now been 26 for two months.  That went fast.

I wrote a dedicated post for The Gunslinger here.  Since then, I've watched Creepshow and read 1/3 of Different Seasons.  I also watched Shawshank again, just because.  I should write about those.

The Secret Shopper's Revenge was another reread. I first read it four or five years ago, when I borrowed it from the library.  I've returned to it a few times since then, and now own it on Kindle.

The book's about three women who all, while in dire straits, take up mystery shopping.  It's not like real life mystery shopping, being a lot more high-tech for a start, but I am very happy to ignore that.  One of them is a Brummie!  And the way they pull themselves from dire straits to rather better ones makes me happy.

I read Little Lord Fauntleroy on a quiet day at work.  I read it as a child originally, and it makes me happy.  I like how pleasant Lord Fauntleroy and his mother are.  I like how it all works out with quite minimal fuss.  It makes me happy.

Rosemary's Baby I read on Sunday, another quiet day.  It reminded me a lot of Jekyll & Hyde, in that, due to cultural osmosis, I had such a strong idea of the plot that it didn't function effectively as suspense.  It was more a case of waiting for the characters to catch up.  I read it because Stephen King because such

Stolen Child was okay.  Again, a case of waiting for the characters to catch up to the action, in a way that was frustratingly slow at times.

I've been twenty-six for two months!  Things have changed very rapidly in that time!

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