Thursday 20 August 2015

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 27th Year, Week 1/52

Three books this week, 12 August to 19 August; a library book, an audio book, and an old favourite.  I used to have a physical copy, but now I own it on Kindle.

First, the audiobook; Around the World in Eighty Days.  I recently read Michael Palin's real-life attempt to duplicate the feat, which prompted me to go back to the original.

This House is Haunted was a library book.  It reminded me a lot of Henry James' Turn of the Screw.

Finally, Phone Sex.  This is the old favourite.  I first read it as a teenager, several years ago and I've reread it every few years since.  It's the memoir of a phone sex worker, with a few tips for people who want to try it at home, some info about the industry and lots and lots of stories about callers.  All very fascinating.

I also enrolled in college this week, so I expect to be busier in future.

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