Monday 4 January 2016

In Which We Discuss 2015

This year, I read the following268 books.

The following 179 books were completely new to me;

...and I bought a total of 123 books this year.

In theory, that should mean my unread pile dropped by 56.  That's not actually the case.  Some of the new books were gifts, some were library books and so on.  That said, I am going to try to limit the number of books I purchase in 2016.  I'm thinking a total of sixty over the entire year.

Finally, here is my unread pile so far;

That leaves my unread pile at 65 for the end of 2015, down from 104.  I'll try to get it to below 15 by the end of the year.  I'll try to read at least one or two per week.

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