Sunday, 2 June 2019

In Which We Discuss War and Peace, Part 4, Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16

Chapter 10

Nikolai Rostov's role in the duel has been hushed-up by his father, so rather than being demoted, he is appointed an adjutant to the governor general of Moscow and so must stay in Moscow all summer.  He spends a lot of time with Dolokhov and his mother, Mary Ivanovna.  She is firmly convinced that Pierre was in the wrong in the duel and goes on about it for like a page.  

When the rest of the Rostov family return in the autumn, their home becomes very popular with young men, since it contains Vera, Sonya, and Natasha.  Every young man who visits experiences a feeling of readiness to fall in love and an expectation of happiness.  Natasha does not approve of Dolokhov, and is very firmly convinced that Pierre was in the right.

Natasha also does not like the fact that Dolokhov has fallen for Sonya and hangs around her constantly, even though she's still in love with Nikolai.  Nikolai dismisses this, but is still less comfortable with Sonya and Dolokhov than previously.

In the autumn, everyone starts talking about the war with Napoleon again.  It's still ongoing, and more men are being recruited.  Nikolai intends to return to his regiment with Denisov, as soon as Denisov is available.

Chapter 11

It's the third day after Christmas, and Nikolai is, unusually for him, dining at home.  He and Denisov will be departing for their regiment after Epiphany (6th of January, if I recall correctly).  Nikolai arrives just before dinner, and notices an uncomfortable atmosphere.  He surmises that something has happened between Sonya and Dolokhov.

The dancemaster Iogel - who has also not appeared before - is holding a ball tonight and Natasha begs her brother to come along.  Denisov - who she calls Vasili Dmitrivich, but the footnote tells me his identity - is also going.  Nikolai says he has other plans and asks Dolokhov if he's going.  Dolokhov is sulking and throwing dirty looks at Sonya.  After dinner, Nikolai asks Natasha for the tea.

Dolokhov has proposed to Sonya, and Nikolai has some emotions in response to this.  From the point of view of society, this is the equivalent of the Prince marrying Cinderella, and there's no realistic way for Sonya to refuse.  Nikolai prepares to say happy things, but Natasha carries on and tells him that Sonya did refuse.  Natasha says she knows for certain that Nikolai won't marry her, but he tells her not to be so sure and says he must speak to Sonya, 

Natasha goes to send Sonya to Nikolai.  When Sonya arrives, he calls her 'Sophie' - just to be extra confusing - and says that, if she refused Dolokhov on his account then he must confess that he loves her more than he loves anyone, but also he has been in love a thousand times and will be again.  He adds that none of this compares to the feelings of friendship, confidence and love that he feels for Sonya, but he is young, and his mother doesn't approve of them marrying, and he can't make any promises.  He begs her to reconsider Dolokhov's offer.  

Sonya swears that he loves Nikolai as a brother, and that she wants nothing from him.

Nikolai tells her he she is an angel, and he is afraid of misleading her before kissing her hand, which some people could consider misleading.

Chapter 12

Iogel throws the best balls in Moscow, and this year (1806), two marriages have arisen from them.  The ballroom is in one of Pierre's houses, and the Rostov's girls are some of the prettiest there.  Sonya is particularly happy to have refused Dolokhov and had such a dramatic and romantic talk with Nikolai, and is ready to dance.  Natasha is proud of her first long dress and going to her first ball, and falls in love with everyone as soon as she walks in.  Along the sidelines, Denisov is telling Nikolai how lovely Natasha - Nikolai's baby sister - is, which is uncomfortable for everyone.  Iogel encourages them to dance, but Denisov reminds him of what a poor pupil he was.  Nikolai asks Sonya to dance while Denisov goes to amuse the old ladies, who are also sitting along the sidelines, and watching Natasha dance with Iogel.  Nikolai knows that Denisov is particularly good at the mazurka, the dance currently being danced, and persuades Natasha to ask him.  It takes some pleading, but Denisov finally agrees.  It's basically the dancing scene from Final Fantasy VIII - Denisov is surprisingly good.

Iogel doesn't approve because it was the Polish mazuka and not the real mazuka, but no one cares.  Denisov doesn't leave Natasha's side all evening.

Chapter 13

Nikolai doesn't hear from Dolokhov until three days later, when Dolokhov sends a sulky note, informing Nikolai that Dolokhov will be returning to his regiment asap and inviting him to a farewell supper.   Nikolai goes and finds that they're gambling.  He sees that Dolokhov is in one of his cruel, bullying moods.

Dolokhov gets Nikolai to join the game, and Nikolai keeps losing.  Dolokhov reassures him that he'll win eventually.  I don't believe him.  Nikolai has only 2000 rubles to last until May, and Dolokhov has let him play with IOUs, which basically means there's no limit to what he can lose.  While he's praying for a seven to turn up, he vows to never gamble again.

Dolokhov reminds everyone of a rumour that he's a card sharper before completely failing to turn up the seven Rostov needs.

Chapter 14

It's 90 minutes later, and Nikolai has kept gambling, hoping he'll hit a winning streak.  He hasn't.  He estimates his debt at around 15,000 rubles, but it's actually well over 20k.  When I said he only had 2000 rubles left, that's all his father was able to spare him, so there aren't family resources to cover this debt.  Dolokhov has decided to get it up to 43,000 because that's the combined sum of his and Sonya's ages.

Nikolai knows that Dolokhov is doing this on purpose, but is baffled as to why.  He keeps hoping it will all come right somehow.

Dolokhov ends the game as soon as Nikolai's debt crosses 43,000 rubles.  Nikolai tries to persuade him to keep playing while grimly contemplating suicide.  Dolokhov agrees to a match for 21 rubles, because Nikolai's exact debt is 43,021, and deals him a winning hand.

Dolokhov asks when he'll get his money, and Nikolai offers an IOU.  Dolokhov reminds him of the saying "Lucky in love, unlucky in cards" and bring up the fact that Sonya still has feelings for him.  Nikolai has been hating Dolokhov more and more throughout this game, and he knows that Dolokhov could just let him off the hook but instead is choosing to torment him.  He promises that he'll have the money tomorrow and leaves.

Chapter 15

Nikolai is not looking forward to going home and asking for the money, especially because they're all so happy and having so much fun when he arrives.  Denisov is performing a song he's written, called "Enchantress".  Nikolai goes in to ask where his father is, and immediately gets pounced on by his mother and sister.  His father isn't home, so he paces up and down in the music room while Natasha sings.  Both Sonya and Natasha notice there's something wrong, but Natasha is having too much fun to ask him about it right this second and decides she must be mistaken.  She has a lovely voice, and has just started taking singing seriously.  Her singing finally succeeds in distracting Nikolai - he realises that nothing else really matters.  He begins to harmonise, barely noticing that he's singing.

Chapter 16

Nikolai's good mood only holds as long as the song does, and then he's back to fretting about money.  He goes off to his own room and then out to meet his father when he hears him arriving.  He gets up his nerve to confess that he owes 43,000 rubles and that he's promised to pay it by tomorrow, and the old Count is stunned.  Nikolai casually says it can't be helped and happens to everyone, and hates himself a little bit for saying it when he should be begging his father's forgiveness.

The old Count agrees that it could happen to anyone while muttering that the sum will be difficult to raise, and then leaves the room.  Nikolai had expected resistance, but in the fact of his father's acceptance, he bursts into tears and finally begs forgiveness.

Meanwhile, Natasha and her mother are talking.  Denisov has proposed, and Natasha is offended by her mother's disapproval.  Her mother says that, well, if she's in love, she should marry him, and Natasha confesses that she isn't, and asks her mother's advice on letting him down gently.  Her mother offers to tell him for her, and Natasha refuses, running off to tell Denisov that she loves him very much as a friend.  He cries.  Natasha's mother walks in, thanks him for the honour, but points out that her daughter is very young and he should have asked her mother first.  Natasha cries then too, because she feels so bad for him.

Denisov leaves the next day, with Nikolai waving him goodbye.  Nikolai remains for two weeks, waiting for his father to raise the money and hanging out with his sister and cousin.  Sonya is more loving than ever, but Nikolai now considers himself beneath her.  He skulks away back to the regiment once he's paid his debt.  They're in Poland.

...and that's the end of part 4!  We're 29% through!

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