Saturday, 8 June 2019

In Which We Discuss War and Peace, Part 6, Chapters 4, 5, and 6

Chapter 4

In August 1809, Mikhail Speranski, the father of Russia liberalism, is at the height of his fame.  Also, Emperor Alexander is thrown from his carriage and, during his recovery, sees Speranski every day.  Prince Andrew is pretty sure the Tsar doesn't like him, not least because he's not served in the army for four years, but his project to reform the army has been sent to Arakcheev, who is now head of the military.  Arakcheev doesn't like it - it's too French - but sends the project to the Committee on Army Regulations, to which Prince Andrew is also appointed, without salary.  He doesn't need one anyway, so he's pleased about that.

Chapter 5

While waiting for his appointment, Andrew looks up his relevant contacts.  He feels like he did before the war - as if the world is on the brink of change and he is attracted to those who might be influential.  He's quickly absorbed by Speranski's ideals, and is welcomed in liberal circles due to his liberation of his serfs.  He's also welcomed in the party of the old and dissatisfied, as old Count Nikolai's son, and in the feminine society as a good match.   Most agree that he's improved over the last five years, becoming less affected, prideful, and contemptuous, and more serene.   The day after meeting with Arakcheev, Andrew spends the evening at Count Kochubey's, who advises him that Speranski needs to be on board to get his army reform through.  Speranski himself arrives a little later, and prince Andrew feels either respect, envy or anticipation - he's not sure which.  His thoughts on Speranski are very similar to Rostov's thoughts on the Tsar.

After patronising the other people who want to talk to him - which Andrew admires as a show of power - Speranski makes time to speak to Andrew.  He admires him because of the freeing of the serfs, and because Andrew began at a lower rank than he could have, by birth.  Andrew says that was his father's idea, that he should have to earn his way up, and, not wanting to appear to completely agree with everything Speranski says, says he doesn't totally agree with the new idea of government roles being gained by tests of ability rather than inheritance.  As far as I can gather, its because he believes in the monarchy, so, I guess, it does logically follow that he'd believe in inherited rank in other ways.  Speranski points out that, despite that, Andrew hasn't done that himself, and says he looks forward to talking to him later.

Chapter 6

Prince Andrew is so absorbed in his St Petersburg life that he's almost totally forgotten the peaceful revelations he's been living for the past two years, though he does still manage to talk about it at the parties that are distracting him from living it.  Andrew and Speranski manage to have a little tete-a-tate (sic) on Wednesday.  Andrew doesn't think much of most people, so he's delighted that Speranski appears to be someone he can admire.  Since Speranski comes from a different class and upbringing, he seems strange and exotic, which hides a lot of the flaws Andrew would otherwise have spotted.  He's also flattered that Speranski, in turns, speaks to him as an equal.  The only disagreements they have are when Andrew wishes to maintain his independence, rather than submit entirely to Speranski's rhetoric.  The only things about Speranski that Andrew doesn't like are his "cold, mirrorlike look" and his "delicate white hands".  Also, the massive contempt he shows for others.  And the ways he uses many kinds of mental device (except analogy) to support his arguments, and skips between them too boldly.  I think this basically makes Andrew feel like he's subject to a snow job.  One of Speranski's favourite devices is to bring things to the level of the metaphysical and expand on the definitions of space, time, and a discussion of government policy.  I mean, sure, there are lots of things that are true and important, but it would be bloody stupid (technical term) to describe, for example, a trip to the shops on the level of atoms.  I'm annoyed by Speranski now, too.

The thing that most strikes Andrew, however, is Speranski's "absolute and unshakeable belief in the power and authority of reason".  Speranski has never felt, as Andrew has, that it is impossible to express all one thinks, and he has clearly never wondered "is not all I think and belief nonsense?".  Tbh, I think that on a weekly basis, especially now I'm waiting for exam results.  I'm pretty sure I wrote excellent answers on those last two, and pretty good answers on the first two....but what if I wrote complete nonsense?  It does not seem impossible.  This is why I like academia, you get a numerical score for how little nonsense you wrote, at regular intervals.

In the early days, Prince Andrew feels proud of admiring Speranski in the same way he admired Napoleon because Speranski is the son of a village priest and other people might despise him on account of this origin.  I did not realise rich white liberalism (see Get Out) existed that far back.  Anyway, when Prince Andrew starts his role on the Committee on Army Regulations, he finds out that he is chairman of the section of the committee for the revision of the Code of Laws, which Speranski has been very critical of.  He takes Speranski's advice, and begins revising the section on Personal Rights with the aid of the Code Napoleon and the Institutes of Justinian.

Just to share some stats from my spreadsheet;

  • There are 254 chapters left to read.
  • If I read a chapter per day, I'll be done on 17th February.
  • If I read two chapters per day, I'll be done on 13th October.
  • 3 chapters, I'll be done by the end of August.
  • 4 chapters, I'll be done by my birthday (mid August).
  • 5 chapters, I'll be done by the end of July.

I think I'm going to aim to be done before my 31st birthday, when my life will end, according to the Prince Andrew of the last book.

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