Friday 10 July 2015

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 26th Year, Week 47/52

From 30th June to July - the most recent week!

Another seven books.  That commute does wild things to my reading time.

Boys Don't Cry was sweet.  It's about a young man who suddenly finds out that he accidentally conceived a child and suddenly has to take care of it.  I particularly liked the toddler.  She seemed a lot more real and vibrant than lots of kids in novels.

I kind of liked The Bad Sister too.  It's about a selfish little girl who falls in love with her brother in law on the night of his wedding.  So she decides to run away.  She decides it's obviously more than just a teenage crush which begs the question of how the fuck she would know.  She then proceeds to be a lot luckier than she deserves.

Once Upon a Tower is a 'regency romance' which is not a genre I'm overly familiar with.  I read it because the cover looked silly.  It was fun.

Far Far Away was terrifying.  Like Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids meets Poison.

I liked Soul Beach and immediately purchased the sequel after finishing it.  It's been sitting on my kindle for an embarassingly long time.  Soul Beach is about a girl who's sister is murdered.  Shortly afterwards, she receives an invitation to a social networking site which is basically a beach where lots of dead kids hang out.  The beach is typically described as being about as realistic as the .//hack levels are in-universe, despite the main character only viewing them through a screen and not via any kind of immersion headgear.

I hated The Third Wife.  I was quite enjoying the mystery...and then you find out exactly who wrote vile, venomous emails which drove a woman to her death.  And every other character decides to forgive her because "she feels bad enough".  And - spoiler alert - the 'grieving widower' decides actually his second wife was the love of his life and he's free to declare that now that his poisonous little daughter has done him the favour of driving his third wife away.  What an awful family.  And no one ever called them out on how utterly shitty they were.

Finally, Underworld is the second part of Meg Cabot's Abandon series.  To be honest, they all blurred together.

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