Monday 6 July 2015

In Which We Discuss Books I Read in my 26th Year, Week 41/52

From 19th May to 26th May - 8 books this week.  A longer commute and no internet will do that.

Fortune's Fool is the 3rd book in the 500 Kingdoms series.  It mixes the little mermaid with some traditional Japanese fairytales.

The Undomestic Goddess I listened to as an audiobook while putting my new bed together.  It's like all Sophie Kinsella's - funny, slightly scatty heroines who come through when necessary.

The Outskirter's Secret is the second in Rosemary Kirstein's Steerswoman series.  It's the kind of eighties fantasy-but-really-sci-fi that I adore.

Growing Veg & Fruit  is a very nice little guide.

The Heir is Kiera Cass's fourth Selection novel.  As a series it's something of a cross between Cinderella and The Bachelorette.  This wasn't as strong as the earlier novels.

The Last Enchantment is the final part of Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy.  I'm pretty sure I first read it fifteen years ago; I've certainly owned it for that long.

Ready Player One is a book I first read almost a year ago.  It's somewhat excellent.  It's also the book I read at the bookclub where I met the guy I now live with.

Finally, The Snow Queen.  The fourth part of the 500 Kingdom's series.  Not my favourite, but a passably entry.

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